Original soundtrack from initial big-screen animated treatment of The Transformers, numerous iconic battling robot characters spawned from Hasbro television mini-series that became wildly popular in subsequent syndication.
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Original soundtrack from initial big-screen animated treatment of The Transformers, numerous iconic battling robot characters spawned from Hasbro television mini-series that became wildly popular in subsequent syndication. Cars, trucks, toy dinosaurs, you name it became behemoths of warring destruction. Vince DiCola, fresh off dynamic score for Rocky IV, brings sizzling modern up-tempo sensibilities to his electronic score for Transformers, melds driving energy with striking fully-composed quasi-orchestral themes, motifs. Exciting compositions result, with plethora of rhythms infused with composer's unique harmonic vernacular on display. DiCola, who gets start as session keyboardist, then moves into scoring with Staying Alive, sequel toSaturday Night Fever, connects well with with director Sylvester Stallone, lands mega-hit Rocky IV and captures attention of TV producers transforming Hasbro's small-screen robots into big-screen monoliths. Intrada CD presents first widely available release of score, courtesy Sony Music, first available as very limited "BotCon" editions in 1997 & 2001. Newly assembled and mastered from two-track digital masters, Intrada CD also features composer's "Legacy", originally written as six-minute powerhouse demo for producers during early stages of project. Intrada Special Collection release available while quantities and interest remain!