Original soundtrack from second installment of Marvel/Disney franchise for Thor, part of wildly successful team of Avengers. Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Tom Hiddleston, Anthony Hopkins star, Alan Taylor directs. Fighting alongside Thor to save Earth and Nine Realms is Brian Tyler, with his mighty score. Thundering action is keynote! Broadly drawn, heroic main theme anchors, travels on great journey with Thor, remains at his side throughout. Solo voice, subtler colors offer brief respite to battle music but Tyler keeps either harmonic vernacular of main theme or melody itself in spotlight. Coherency is dynamic result. To deliver contrast, composer literally hammers dark, aggressive side of score via driving percussion plus wall of brass. Here, harmonic vernacular becomes agitated, intense yet still retains cohesion with primary ideas. Large orchestra with chorus generates an impressive, powerful work! Intrada & Disney proudly present CD version of exciting score with colorful packaging for collectors! Brian Tyler, Allan Wilson conduct Philharmonic Orchestra of London & London Philharmonic Orchestra.
Price: $19.99 (Temporarily out of stock)
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Original soundtrack from second installment of Marvel/Disney franchise
for Thor, part of wildly successful team of Avengers. Chris Hemsworth,
Natalie Portman, Tom Hiddleston, Anthony Hopkins star, Alan Taylor
directs. Fighting alongside Thor to save Earth and Nine Realms is Brian
Tyler, with his mighty score. Thundering action is keynote! Broadly
drawn, heroic main theme anchors, travels on great journey with Thor,
remains at his side throughout. Solo voice, subtler colors offer brief
respite to battle music but Tyler keeps either harmonic vernacular of
main theme or melody itself in spotlight. Coherency is dynamic result.
To deliver contrast, composer literally hammers dark, aggressive side of
score via driving percussion plus wall of brass. Here, harmonic
vernacular becomes agitated, intense yet still retains cohesion with
primary ideas. Large orchestra with chorus generates an impressive,
powerful work! Intrada & Disney proudly present CD version of
exciting score with colorful packaging for collectors! Brian Tyler,
Allan Wilson conduct Philharmonic Orchestra of London & London
Philharmonic Orchestra.
01. Thor: The Dark World 02. Lokasenna 03. Asgard 04. Battle of Vanaheim 05. Origins 06. The Trial of Loki 07. Into Eternity 08. Escaping the Realm 09. A Universe from Nothing 10. Untouchable 11. Thor, Son of Odin 12. Shadows of Loki 13. Sword and Council