Press Release from Beat:
WEST and BEAT RECORDS are glad to complete festivities related to the 50° anniversary of the theatrical debut of …CONTINUAVANO A CHIAMARLO TRINITA’ with the deluxe release on CD of the OST composed by Guido & Maurizio De Angelis.
Since few years sold out, the last release by DIGITMOVIES, now available again in the DDJDLX series, in all its splendor, with unreleased artworks and a Bonus track featuring a slight variation of TRINITY E BAMBINO IN CITTA’. On the cover, we have a wonderful alternate drawing painted by Renato Casaro which is the symbol of this 50th year edition.
Mastering by Enrico De Gemini, graphic layout and liner notes by Daniele De Gemini.
Just 500 copies available, hurry up!