Press Release from Kronos:KRONOS RECORDS presents the soundtrack to TATORT: ES LEBE DER KÖNIG, our second exciting collaboration with the uber-talened German composer Christoph Blaser (composer of ARTHUR'S LAW). TATORT is a very popular TV series in its homeland Germany. It has been running for many years and has a cult followup of fans ranging from the young to the less young,
In the words of the director "The film score is - I believe - the soul of a film. Thus, it is important for me to work with a composer that possesses the talent and a strong, distinct style that - through his music, through his soul - lend a unique, added dimension to a film."
Christoph has indeed managed once more to compose a very exciting multi-layered soundtrack, that apart working brilliantly in the film also works perfectly as a standalone experience making for a really beautiful album. It is an immense pleasure for us to release this soundtrack on CD format.